Monday, May 13, 2013

Creative Controls - Depth of Field

This photograph was taken in my backyard, and demonstrates a shallow depth of field because the edge of the flower is clearly focused while the background is blurred.

This photo was taken in my backyard as well, and demonstrates a  very shallow depth of field.  The dandelion is clearly focused, while the background is extremely blurred, showing circles of confusion.
In addition to the other photos, this photo was taken in my backyard. Like the others, this photo shows a shallow depth of field , where the leaf is extremely clear and detailed, while the background is very blurred.
This photo was taken in NE Portland, in a abandoned building that had burned down, and been filled with graffiti. This photo shows a deep depth of field because all of the objects are clearly focused.
My last photograph is a image of my friend Sydney, that was taken in the abandonment building. This image shows a shallow depth of field, because my friend and specific strands of her hair especially, are clearly focused while the background is not.

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